We share a site Ducey's Pro Shop & Ducey's club inc rifle/pistol range, We have some real deals & best price in our online store
We share a site Ducey's Pro Shop & Ducey's club inc rifle/pistol range, We have some real deals & best price in our online store
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PLEASE READ ALL BELOW BY SIGNING UP FOR THE MEMBER SHIP YOU AGREE TO ALL RULES DUCEY'S GUN CLUB INC This is for the membership to join the club and have the rights to use the range. We do have rules for the club & rifle/pistol range you'll get them with your membership GUN SAFETY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT: Under 18 must have a adult with. Membership is for 18 and older Safety Rules for the Range Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a novice, incorporating regular visits to the shooting range should be part of your training routine. In fact, in some states, it’s even mandatory. Responsible gun owners understand that the ability to shoot well and handle firearms safely are perishable skills. A shooting range is the safest way to become a competent and consistent shooter.Fundamental Firearms Safety Rules Like any other activity-based business, gun ranges employ varying guidelines. But many of the overriding gun range rules apply everywhere. For example, the four fundamental firearms safety rules — while wording may differ — remain constant: Treat all guns as though they are loaded. Never point your firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy. Keep your finger OFF the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are on target and have made the decision to shoot. Always be sure of your target, and know what’s behind, in front of and around the target. These general gun safety instructions can significantly help you prevent negligent discharge at the shooting range. However, shooting ranges often have additional requirements and specific etiquette rules to follow. Range safety begins at the counter when you check in. In addition to selling range time, ammo and targets, range staff will want you to sign a liability waiver. Some ranges require shooters to watch a safety video. First-time shooters at the gun range should expect to receive a copy of the range rules. You should ask any questions you have before going. Inside a range is noisy, and it is far easier to get the questions answered outside the range. 180-Degree Rule The “180 rule” is a common one. You’ll see it’s really a repackaging and reinforcement of Rule 2 — Never point your firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy. Imagine the shooting table or bench. Stand in front of it facing the backstop. Now picture a half circle extending directly in front of you. It arcs from 90-degrees to your left to 90-degrees to your right. You can also picture a vertical half circle starting under your feet and extending to directly over your head, with the curve again directly in front of you. The idea is that your gun points nowhere outside of those 180-degree arcs. In other words, it cannot point behind you in any possible way. Make sense? In practicality, this rule usually applies to outdoor ranges with backstop berms on three sides. The “180” area ensures any negligent discharge will be caught by one of those backstops. Restrictions for Safety on the Range Shooting ranges, both indoor and outdoor, are designed to provide a safe environment for firearms enthusiasts to practice their skills. However, they often come with a set of restrictions that can vary based on the facility’s rules and local regulations. Ammunition Restrictions Almost all ranges restrict the use of certain ammunition. Bird or buckshot, steel-jacketed, armor-piercing incendiary, and tracer ammo types are often prohibited. Indoor ranges rarely allow the use of steel-core ammo because of the damage it causes to their backstops and the risk of ricochet. Outdoor ranges that use steel targets don’t want it either because it perforates and damages expensive steel targets. Tracer ammo uses chemicals on the base of the projectiles, which ignite and burn while the bullet is headed down range. In dry conditions, this can and has started fires that can quickly get out of control. Many indoor ranges have a policy against hand-loaded or remanufactured ammunition. They’ll only allow you to use factory ammunition. Indoor ranges have to be very careful to make sure customers don’t fire guns and ammo that are capable of penetrating or damaging whatever backstop they’ve constructed. Additionally, especially at indoor ranges, other shooters are close on both sides, so range safety officers (RSOs) don’t want to run the risk of a faulty hand-loaded round exploding and injuring anyone nearby. Restricted Firearms Due to shooting range construction, many indoor ranges forbid shooting from long guns, whether shotguns or rifles. The loud sound is a nuisance to other shooters, mainly when using a muzzle brake. As well, most indoor ranges aren’t rated to stop larger calibers or shotgun slugs. Most indoor ranges also prohibit rapid fire or “mag dumps” because of the concussive force they create. There’s also a higher potential of losing control over the gun. Safe Target Options One benefit of outdoor ranges is the variety of available shooting target options. Steel targets and other more reactive targets don’t work well at indoor ranges because of the ricochet risk. But outdoors, assuming you shoot from a safe distance, they’re a lot of fun. Shooting up old electronics, random metal objects and glass bottles may also seem like fun. The problem is that these materials make a huge mess and lead to safety concerns, not to mention inconvenience, for other shooters. There’s nothing worse than an outdoor range filled with sharp glass or electronics fragments. Oh, and food? Even though it’s biodegradable, many ranges won’t allow you to shoot squash, pumpkins and the like. Food debris will attract unwanted critters, smell up the place and create a field of unwanted new crops in front of the targets. Unless you’re willing to come back at harvest time, don’t plant. Drawing From the Holster Many indoor ranges prohibit drawing from holsters. Because most ranges position shooters behind a shooting counter, drawing to fire results in the muzzle pointing at that shelf or other parts of the shooting station. It’s also possible that the draw stroke will cause the muzzle to hit the bottom of the shooting counter and cause a negligent discharge. That’s bad for the shooter and any others nearby. Last but not least, there are many concealed carry positions, such as shoulder, small of back and cross-draw holsters, that cause the user to muzzle objects and people behind or to the side of the shooter. Designated Gun Handling Areas Many ranges that host shooting competitions will create designated areas with safe backstops in which you can handle unloaded firearms for maintenance and cleaning. Typically ranges that use this policy allow you to load magazines most anywhere. But a loaded magazine can only be mated with its host firearm at the shooting line when ready to fire. Think of gun handling areas as an ammunition-free zone where you can check your firearm or perform maintenance while waiting to shoot. How to Be Safe at Shooting Ranges Safety should always be the top priority. From the correct use of eye and ear protection to disciplined firearms handling, each step is geared towards fostering a culture of safety at the range. Bring the Right Eye and Ear Protection Ensure you have appropriate eye and ear protection on the shooting range. Opt for electronic ear protection, which allows you to hear normal speech while dampening loud noises. This helps you stay attuned to the range safety officer (RSO). Good quality ANSI Z87.1 safety glasses are also essential. Adjust your safety glasses and hearing protection before heading to the range to save valuable time. Exercise Discipline Discipline at the range is crucial. Whether indoor or outdoor ranges, commercial or private, supervised or unsupervised, all shooters must be aware of and utilize safety commands. If there are RSOs, you should follow their instructions. It’s important to note that range officers are not firearms instructors. While they are often competent in using firearms, RSOs are primarily there to ensure everyone’s safety, not to provide firearms instruction. Manage Your Pistol Never bring a loaded pistol into the range. Your action should be open, and your magazine should be removed. Load your pistol only once you are on the firing line. When finished shooting, always open your action, remove your magazine and physically check your firearm. If shooting with a friend, never hand a loaded weapon to a range partner. Always put it down and step back. Let him or her pick it up. Practice Situational Awareness Situational awareness is just as important at the shooting range as it is in daily life. You must be fully aware of what is happening around you and maintain focus on the target and what’s beyond it. Be aware of where everyone is positioned. No one may handle the firearm when you and other shooters are beyond the firing line or downrange to place and check targets. All shooters must step away from the bench or firing line until the range is clear. Remember that anyone can call a cease-fire at any time for any reason. Even by mistake. If you observe any unsafe conditions, immediately and loudly call “cease fire!” at least three times to ensure everyone’s safety. Abide by the Rules The vast majority of shooting ranges provide a safe and controlled environment. They are supervised and equipped with safety measures like adequate backstops and partitions between shooting lanes. In every aspect, the shooting range is a safe place to learn how to handle any firearm. Contribute to ensuring a safe environment for everyone by practicing safe and responsible gun ownership.
This all started in late 2019 I was talking to the town about the old rifle range on the town property with great excitement the town thought it was a great idea, and it would be a public rifle range as time went on they had town meetings and we started the ground work on removing the trees in the way and putting up berms at 100yds 200yds and 350yds as of last year in 2021 and its been on idol now waiting for the next step, so back in June 2022 I got a hold of the town to see where we are at for the range and what's the hold up. There is one person that has done nothing but complain that lives in the town and that's been the hold up so at the end of June of 2022 I sent a letter to the town board if letting Ducey's Guns & Ammo LLC lease the land out there where the range is going to be and in return Ducey's Guns & Ammo LLC would start up a Non-profit Gun Club (501c3)
08/01/2022 The start of the the club! As things have been going we got our 501c3 and off to the races, we filled out a lease from the town and just waiting on that to get approved from the town board for the land as of now 09/11/2022
Town hall Meeting: gun range was on the table at meeting and we are just waiting from the lawyer on the lease of the land
give us a call (715-324-5130) or stop in to sign up or email Duceys@duceyshydrodipping.com
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W8111 rifle range rd. Pembine WI. 54156
We invite you to come check out the range I'm not totally done with it but this could be a good Q & A (No shooting at this time.) We'll star...
W8111 rifle range rd. Pembine WI. 54156
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